Skeptic Converted

Product: OffSet® Eclipse Double Bass Drum Pedal
Posted By: Steve
Ok… To start off, I am not someone that typically takes the time to write reviews. This remains true even for products that I think are great (it is something I’m trying to be better at, because I certainly read reviews and use them as part of my decision making process.)
Now, with that out of the way, I really wanted to take the time and write a review for the Offset Eclipse Double Bass Drum Pedal. Below is that review and a little bit of history how and why I found myself looking for such a product after nearly 40 years of playing drums.
I started playing drums at the age of 8 years old and purchased my first drum set (a used Pearl Export 6 piece kit with double bass drums) with the help of my mother at 13 years old. I loved that kit and slowly added more cymbals and other percussion pieces as I save my money from working in the restaurants, my paper route and other odd jobs around the neighborhood. By 16 years old, I was playing in multiple bands (hard rock and heavy metal) all with people in their early to mid-twenties, all with hopes of being a famous musician. I had massed a rather large drum kit and eventually upgraded the quality of the drums to Pearl’s Custom Z 9 piece double bass kit with 24” bass drums. This kit was massive and spread out requiring a speed, fluidity, and flexibility that I can’t imagine at my current age.
In 2009, I sold that kit and “downsized” to a DW Collector’s Series kit. This kit is still large at 8 pieces, but it has a single bass drum and much smaller tom sizes (3 up, 2 down configuration, 22” bass drum with DW 9000 double pedals, and an additional right side snare) making it much more compact and easier to play. As the years have gone on, I sustained a serious back injury (at my day job) making it very difficult to play over on the right side of my kit without invoking debilitating levels of back pain with any amount of playing duration.
In the beginning of 2022, I had come to the conclusion that I was going to sell all my drums and stop playing as I just could not stand to look at them just sitting there. I had made up my mind that I would never play again. Shortly after that decision, my young sons both started gravitating towards the drums. When I told them I was going to get rid of them, they both started to cry. Well, that wrecked me, but I still had to figure out a way to be able to look at the drum kit without frustration. The best way to do that was to play the darn things!
My research began and I stumbled onto the Offset Eclipse Double Bass Drum Pedal. The concept of becoming ambidextrous was of no interest to me, but balancing out the kit making it so I didn’t have to twist as far to the right and aggravate my existing back injury was of interest. Even with that, I was extremely skeptical of a “one-off company” and began looking for bigger more established companies that might have embraced the same idea. I looked, and looked and found a couple other “off-shoot” companies, but none that made me feel comfortable about sending them my hard earned money.
I am very capable of building and modifying equipment, so I decided I would purchase the parts I needed and build something that would suit my needs. Well, by the time I would have purchased all the quality components I was going to need for this project, I would have been at a similar amount of money as I would to purchase the Offset Eclipse Double Bass Drum Pedal. This struck me as very odd, and now I was even more skeptical; “how can this pedal be so inexpensive?” The only thing that drove me to give this pedal a try, was the fact that there was absolutely no guarantee that what I was going to build would work well (even though I was pretty sure that it would) and then I would be “out” that entire amount of money. I looked more into Offset and saw they offered a satisfaction guarantee. This is what sealed the deal for me.
I purchased the Offset Eclipse Double Bass Drum Pedal. When it arrived, I followed the instructions and set it up. I pulled my existing DW 9000 double pedal off the kit (which, I love) and set both pedals up against a board system I made for testing both pedal against each other in rapid succession. I adjusted the Offset Eclipse Double Bass Drum Pedal system so that it matched my existing DW 9000 double pedal setup as closely as possible (the Offset pedals have slightly longer foot boards, which ultimately I have come to appreciate.) I ran both of the pedals through their paces for a couple hours until I felt that there was nothing more that I could do to make the Offset Eclipse Double Bass Drum Pedal any more similar to the DW 9000 double pedal setup. Then I waffled, and started second guessing myself. I have been playing with my drums in exact same places since purchasing the single bass drum DW collectors kit in 2009. To place the Offset Eclipse Double Bass Drum Pedal into my kit would involve the complete break down and repositioning every single piece of my massive kit and was going to take hours! Well, get busy adjusting and playing, or get busy selling everything!
I finally finished getting the entire kit setup to accommodate the Offset Eclipse Double Bass Drum Pedal. I sat down and started playing. The first thing I noticed was that I could play on the right side of the kit without pain in my back! Winning!!! The next thing I noticed was the pedal lag that the right pedal now had due to being a slave pedal. This was compounded when trying to play double bass patterns as my timing was off. I started “third” guessing the decision…
After a few hours of playing and frustration over a couple days, I sat down and started playing again. This time, I couldn’t even tell that there was a difference anymore. I was playing the double bass patterns as efficiently as ever, but with a comfort I had not experience in years! I am able to play my single bass drum, much more compact kit, as if I was in my early 20s again (only not quite as skillfully; I’m getting old!) I have no problems with my back and the required twisting to the right or left side. I am loving the freedom this pedal has given me.
The pedal build quality is very good and its value far exceeds its price point. I was actually able to have a conversation with the owner of the company the other day where I asked him why he would sell such a good product at such a low price, his response was a very simple, “because I want more people to be able to own one.” This is something that is extremely uncommon in this era.
Now, without going all the way down this rabbit hole, I believe it is worth mentioning that you can switch between double chain driven pedals and direct driven pedals for the cost of an $80 direct drive upgrade kit. I did this and the direct drive definitely eliminates a little bit of the perceived pedal lag I was experiencing. With that said, I could not get used to the feel of the direct drive, and what felt like difficulty in adding accent notes to my playing, so I switched the pedals back to the double chains and am totally happy (I guess 35 plus years of playing chain drives has shaped the “feel” I expect.) Direct drive pedals just aren’t my thing, but I reserve the right to try it again in the future and with these pedals that is possible whenever I want to try again.
Anyway, if you are like me, and in need of a solution to problems with your back while trying to twist and play the right side of your kit, Offset Eclipse Double Bass Drum Pedal is tremendous solution and worth giving a try. Honestly, if you are in the market for a great double bass pedal that allows a ton of setup versatility without putting your body into a position that is not ergonomic, and in addition to that, will not break the bank, this is your pedal!! There are a ton of great pedals out there, but none that are this versatile and at this relative price point. I am so impressed with this pedal!!
Thanks for reading. If you you are on the fence, go ahead and give this pedal a try. I doubt you will be disappointed.
Eric M. Buryn
5.0 out of 5 stars Perfect. Flawlessly executed.September 23, 2018
Batterie Magazine Test, November 2019, Fabien NemplasseOffset Eclipse Double Bass Drum Pedal
The center of the Groove!For more than fifteen years, Offset has specialized in the manufacture of double bass drum pedals offering a particularly original structure, which combines two doubles in one, around a central bridge. Designed to provide a better playing position, it also allows to completely change the structure of the kit, to give it a totally symmetrical architecture... The Eclipse, the latest model in the range, is the ultimate in this ingenious and original concept... A little double will do us good! The story of Offset begins in the early 2000s, when Charles Fisher, a drummer by trade skimming small clubs with his various bands, launches into Southern rock and decides to go to the double bass drum to send double hook well Hairy. And there, good surprise, the central position of the toms in front of the snare drum transforms his life! The planes are more fluid, and the more comfortable posture seems to improve energy and endurance... What happiness! Except that walking around with two bass drums is not always possible and that the double pedal is then much more convenient. But there, discomfort, because the symmetry is destroyed and we find ourselves completely wrong! So how do we find the feeling of our two big favourite drums? Well simply by creating a symmetrical pedal! Charles buys two double pedals that he tinkers with, and the trick is done: a sole on each side of a central bridge where the bats are placed. The result is magical, especially since the very short cardans do not seem to affect the direct feeling of a simple model! The Offset pedal was born and made its first appearance at the Namm 2003. Since then, several versions of the invention have emerged, until, last year, Mountain States Distributing bought Mr. Fischer's patent and decided to launch the Eclipse, a new model that seems to have found the perfect equation: simplicity, ergonomics and precision... So let's see how we got to this point! It's heavy!As soon as we recover the cardboard containing our precious machine, we realize all of a sudden that it is not a small matter! Particularly heavy (more than seven kilos!), the latter actually puts us right in the mood: this Eclipse is total! And indeed the first manipulations and fixtures confirm the prime impression: Offset took things seriously in terms of construction and finishing.The pedal is massive, and all its mechanisms are of substantial size, ensuring an impeccable structure, as well as a flexible but dense movement, totally silent and extremely sensitive. All settings are accessible, and the size of the dials ensures a convenient and pleasant grip.On the finish side, no frills, with a single lightly textured gray color for all non-mechanical parts, and immaculate stainless steel for all others. Only the plinths are a little cheap, in terms of cut-out and look, but are nevertheless perfectly wide, and have Velcro strips and spades for unconcessional grip and stability. We feel here that the main concern is efficiency and not aesthetics. This does not prevent the pedal from being quite elegant, in a muscular style ... And then, let's point out that we were spoiled with a touch of red and black on the Eclipse logo sported by the soles ... The icing on the cake! Comfort and fluidityThe grip is up to the good surprises of departure. The soles are wide and comfortable, and worthy of providing a comfortable seat to all possible sizes, whether playing flat heel or with the tips. In addition, we appreciate a perfect rigidity of the pedal thanks to its flawless attachment with the bass drum. Indeed, the system of attachment to the circle is particularly ergonomic, because not only does one have a large butterfly off the right side, which offers an easy, fast and comfortable grip, but it also discovers that the upper part The clamp is articulated on a horizontal axis, which allows to adjust precisely on any type of circle, and without any twisting. Thus, the base is perfectly flat, and provides the essential seating for the double game.From a sensational point of view, we find all the definition and fluidity of a pedal without cardan. Indeed, their limited section, but also their perfect machining, allows a better translation of forces and ensures an ideal comfort of play, much more direct than that of a classic model, where one always feels a small latency, and above all, a Clear difference between the right foot and the left foot: an excellent point! Note here that the cardans have two tightening nuts at their end, but these are not placed online, as on most models on the market, but at an angle of 45 degrees, which allows better maintenance of the connecting rods.

Product: OffSet® Eclipse Double Bass Drum Pedal
Posted By: Steve
Ok… To start off, I am not someone that typically takes the time to write reviews. This remains true even for products that I think are great (it is something I’m trying to be better at, because I certainly read reviews and use them as part of my decision making process.)
Now, with that out of the way, I really wanted to take the time and write a review for the Offset Eclipse Double Bass Drum Pedal. Below is that review and a little bit of history how and why I found myself looking for such a product after nearly 40 years of playing drums.
I started playing drums at the age of 8 years old and purchased my first drum set (a used Pearl Export 6 piece kit with double bass drums) with the help of my mother at 13 years old. I loved that kit and slowly added more cymbals and other percussion pieces as I save my money from working in the restaurants, my paper route and other odd jobs around the neighborhood. By 16 years old, I was playing in multiple bands (hard rock and heavy metal) all with people in their early to mid-twenties, all with hopes of being a famous musician. I had massed a rather large drum kit and eventually upgraded the quality of the drums to Pearl’s Custom Z 9 piece double bass kit with 24” bass drums. This kit was massive and spread out requiring a speed, fluidity, and flexibility that I can’t imagine at my current age.
In 2009, I sold that kit and “downsized” to a DW Collector’s Series kit. This kit is still large at 8 pieces, but it has a single bass drum and much smaller tom sizes (3 up, 2 down configuration, 22” bass drum with DW 9000 double pedals, and an additional right side snare) making it much more compact and easier to play. As the years have gone on, I sustained a serious back injury (at my day job) making it very difficult to play over on the right side of my kit without invoking debilitating levels of back pain with any amount of playing duration.
In the beginning of 2022, I had come to the conclusion that I was going to sell all my drums and stop playing as I just could not stand to look at them just sitting there. I had made up my mind that I would never play again. Shortly after that decision, my young sons both started gravitating towards the drums. When I told them I was going to get rid of them, they both started to cry. Well, that wrecked me, but I still had to figure out a way to be able to look at the drum kit without frustration. The best way to do that was to play the darn things!
My research began and I stumbled onto the Offset Eclipse Double Bass Drum Pedal. The concept of becoming ambidextrous was of no interest to me, but balancing out the kit making it so I didn’t have to twist as far to the right and aggravate my existing back injury was of interest. Even with that, I was extremely skeptical of a “one-off company” and began looking for bigger more established companies that might have embraced the same idea. I looked, and looked and found a couple other “off-shoot” companies, but none that made me feel comfortable about sending them my hard earned money.
I am very capable of building and modifying equipment, so I decided I would purchase the parts I needed and build something that would suit my needs. Well, by the time I would have purchased all the quality components I was going to need for this project, I would have been at a similar amount of money as I would to purchase the Offset Eclipse Double Bass Drum Pedal. This struck me as very odd, and now I was even more skeptical; “how can this pedal be so inexpensive?” The only thing that drove me to give this pedal a try, was the fact that there was absolutely no guarantee that what I was going to build would work well (even though I was pretty sure that it would) and then I would be “out” that entire amount of money. I looked more into Offset and saw they offered a satisfaction guarantee. This is what sealed the deal for me.
I purchased the Offset Eclipse Double Bass Drum Pedal. When it arrived, I followed the instructions and set it up. I pulled my existing DW 9000 double pedal off the kit (which, I love) and set both pedals up against a board system I made for testing both pedal against each other in rapid succession. I adjusted the Offset Eclipse Double Bass Drum Pedal system so that it matched my existing DW 9000 double pedal setup as closely as possible (the Offset pedals have slightly longer foot boards, which ultimately I have come to appreciate.) I ran both of the pedals through their paces for a couple hours until I felt that there was nothing more that I could do to make the Offset Eclipse Double Bass Drum Pedal any more similar to the DW 9000 double pedal setup. Then I waffled, and started second guessing myself. I have been playing with my drums in exact same places since purchasing the single bass drum DW collectors kit in 2009. To place the Offset Eclipse Double Bass Drum Pedal into my kit would involve the complete break down and repositioning every single piece of my massive kit and was going to take hours! Well, get busy adjusting and playing, or get busy selling everything!
I finally finished getting the entire kit setup to accommodate the Offset Eclipse Double Bass Drum Pedal. I sat down and started playing. The first thing I noticed was that I could play on the right side of the kit without pain in my back! Winning!!! The next thing I noticed was the pedal lag that the right pedal now had due to being a slave pedal. This was compounded when trying to play double bass patterns as my timing was off. I started “third” guessing the decision…
After a few hours of playing and frustration over a couple days, I sat down and started playing again. This time, I couldn’t even tell that there was a difference anymore. I was playing the double bass patterns as efficiently as ever, but with a comfort I had not experience in years! I am able to play my single bass drum, much more compact kit, as if I was in my early 20s again (only not quite as skillfully; I’m getting old!) I have no problems with my back and the required twisting to the right or left side. I am loving the freedom this pedal has given me.
The pedal build quality is very good and its value far exceeds its price point. I was actually able to have a conversation with the owner of the company the other day where I asked him why he would sell such a good product at such a low price, his response was a very simple, “because I want more people to be able to own one.” This is something that is extremely uncommon in this era.
Now, without going all the way down this rabbit hole, I believe it is worth mentioning that you can switch between double chain driven pedals and direct driven pedals for the cost of an $80 direct drive upgrade kit. I did this and the direct drive definitely eliminates a little bit of the perceived pedal lag I was experiencing. With that said, I could not get used to the feel of the direct drive, and what felt like difficulty in adding accent notes to my playing, so I switched the pedals back to the double chains and am totally happy (I guess 35 plus years of playing chain drives has shaped the “feel” I expect.) Direct drive pedals just aren’t my thing, but I reserve the right to try it again in the future and with these pedals that is possible whenever I want to try again.
Anyway, if you are like me, and in need of a solution to problems with your back while trying to twist and play the right side of your kit, Offset Eclipse Double Bass Drum Pedal is tremendous solution and worth giving a try. Honestly, if you are in the market for a great double bass pedal that allows a ton of setup versatility without putting your body into a position that is not ergonomic, and in addition to that, will not break the bank, this is your pedal!! There are a ton of great pedals out there, but none that are this versatile and at this relative price point. I am so impressed with this pedal!!
Thanks for reading. If you you are on the fence, go ahead and give this pedal a try. I doubt you will be disappointed.
Absolutely EPIC![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Product: OffSet® Eclipse Double Bass Drum Pedal with Soft Case Posted By: Richard Hudson |
I bought this pedal back in 2019 and it has been a dream. This pedal makes you feel like you are playing on a double bass drum kit , with the snare centered for much better ergonomics on the Kit. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS PEDAL FOR ANYONE WHO WANTS A DOUBLE BASS DRUM FEEL WITH A SINGLE BASS DRUM |
Offset Double Bass Drum Pedal![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Product: OffSet® Eclipse Double Bass Drum Pedal & Hard Case Posted By: Michael J. Cyr |
I really like these pedals. After experimenting and playing around with the adjustments, you can really fine tune the feel on these pedals to your liking. Plus, I like the fact that there are 4 springs compared to most double bass drum pedals only have 2. They are made very well in my opinion and Dave Kubes was very helpful in my purchase. I would highly recommend them. I've been playing since 13 years and still playing at 64. these are now my favorite pedals. I wish I had these when I was much younger, but it's never to late. Plus, I like how it helped in the repositioning of my drums, with my snare right in the middle and I also have my hi-hats now in the middle just above my snare drum. My setup is much tighter now, less movement, less effort and more comfortable to play now. I would highly recommend these pedals. Plus, the price is fair too. |
OFFSET PEDAL![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Product: OffSet® Eclipse Double Bass Drum Pedal Posted By: WILL B TARTER |
October 18, 2020
My name's Robin J, I’m from the UK and I'm lucky to be friends with Haken's drummer Ray Hearne. I also play in the progressive/alternative rock band Kyros and we recently did an online cover of ‘The Good Doctor’ by Haken where I got to play double drums with Ray himself. |
July 26, 2020
Wow! Thanks for the quick response. I just thought I’d mention how much I like the Offset pedal. We know the ergos are great but I was amazed at how well they play. I currently own or have owned in the past several double pedals including DW9000, Pearl Eliminator, Axis A2 Longboard, and Pearl Demon Drive. Although they are all great pedals I do prefer the feel and playability of the Offset pedal. Which did surprise me. I thought that I would have to sacrifice some playability for good ergos, but that definitely is not the case.
Thanks again, Tom M
Posted by RYAN RUSSELL on March 13, 2019
5.0 out of 5 starsYou don’t have this pedal yet !
Verified Purchase
Can’t believe I’ve been playing without this pedal . Nothing compares to it . Discover a new freedom setting up any style of drum kit without sacrificing comfort!. This pedal is extremely solid , adjusting to any technique you you can throw at it . I can tell you I’d never even tried this pedal till I received it , I set it up and I never left my drum stool.
Posted by WILL B TARTER on Jan 31st 2019
5.0 out of 5 stars Great idea and concept, very well executed!
December 20, 2018
Verified Purchase
I’ve come across the concept of these unique pedals some time ago after seeing a FB-post by a friend sharing a link to the OffSet pedal. This triggered my interest. I had seen similar concepts of other brands in the past and over the years but somehow the idea of playing a middle pedal didn’t really appeal to me back then as an option.
Lately, I’ve been looking into various alternative ways of setting up drumsets in order to find some inspiration for optimizing the setup of the drums , especially in regards to a more ergonomic playing.
Being a drummer who also sings (and who doesn’t like headmics too much, by the way) I’ve lways been finding it hard to basically being stuck to having to lean towards the left side with your body while having to be totally flexible and to reach down to the lowest 18” floortom on the very right side at the same time. It is difficult when your mouth needs to be in position 10 o’clock while your arms need to be at 5 o’clock :-). I was thinking about either stop singing OR adding another arm to my body (an idea which I abandoned eventually after evaluating the possibilities and cost :-)
Joke aside - I thought that this pedal could really make my drumming/singing life easier by building up a centered drumset setup with the bassdrum and snare basically right in front of you and your body now facing 12 o’clock (which is usually the case when you play two bassdrums)
Unfortunately, there is no German or European distribution for this pedal yet so I’ve been spinning the idea of getting one of these in my head for quite some before I finally decided to go for it and taking advantage of the Amazon offer.
The shipping time of 6 days was unexpectedly fast considering USA to Europe - a nice surprise.
The pedal(s) come in a more or less standard carton but safely packed. Taking the pedals out of the box, seeing and feeling the material and understanding the construction and concept you can immediately tell that it is not a cheap, “me-too” sort of product just riding on an alternative idea only build as a “gimmick”. OffSet really took things serious here and the final product is obviously made from a drummer’s perspective in regards to build-quality and functionality.
Although it has many adjustable parts everywhere which makes it really easy to be fine-tuned and to adjust everything to your specific needs and preferences, I found the pedals relatively easy to setup (if you’re already used to normal double pedals).
The re-arranging of the drumset and its individual drums to be in-sync with the now centered set-up, however, takes a little more time. Also, getting used to it in your playing needs some time and practice, but it wasn’t too much of a deal for me after all.
What I also enjoy very much is the “new equality” of how I’m playing the bassdrum with this pedal: with a normal doube pedal it is more or less natural that your right foot has a stronger and louder sounding punch in comparison to the left (slave side) foot. What we drummers learn to do when playing doublebass on a single bassdrum, is to level out the sound and attack differences somehow. With the OffSet, the fact that both pedals are practically slave pedals, so to speak, makes for a different feel and leads to much more consistent, equal sounding left and right foot beats. You may argue that this is due to the fact, that your right-foot pedal no lacks the direct, immediate power transmission - and , yes, this is also true, I guess. However, I found it easy to get used to it in real life playing and rather embrace the benefit of having a more leveled-sounding double bassdrum sound.
All in all, I can highly recommend this product and it’s quality. It is surely not for everybody and I would always recommend to test and check it out if you have access to the product in a store. If you approach the concept with an open mind and if you are on the lookout for a new (more ergonomic) approach to your singe-but-doublebass-drumming this machine might be your perfect new friend :-)
Lately, I’ve been looking into various alternative ways of setting up drumsets in order to find some inspiration for optimizing the setup of the drums , especially in regards to a more ergonomic playing.
Being a drummer who also sings (and who doesn’t like headmics too much, by the way) I’ve lways been finding it hard to basically being stuck to having to lean towards the left side with your body while having to be totally flexible and to reach down to the lowest 18” floortom on the very right side at the same time. It is difficult when your mouth needs to be in position 10 o’clock while your arms need to be at 5 o’clock :-). I was thinking about either stop singing OR adding another arm to my body (an idea which I abandoned eventually after evaluating the possibilities and cost :-)
Joke aside - I thought that this pedal could really make my drumming/singing life easier by building up a centered drumset setup with the bassdrum and snare basically right in front of you and your body now facing 12 o’clock (which is usually the case when you play two bassdrums)
Unfortunately, there is no German or European distribution for this pedal yet so I’ve been spinning the idea of getting one of these in my head for quite some before I finally decided to go for it and taking advantage of the Amazon offer.
The shipping time of 6 days was unexpectedly fast considering USA to Europe - a nice surprise.
The pedal(s) come in a more or less standard carton but safely packed. Taking the pedals out of the box, seeing and feeling the material and understanding the construction and concept you can immediately tell that it is not a cheap, “me-too” sort of product just riding on an alternative idea only build as a “gimmick”. OffSet really took things serious here and the final product is obviously made from a drummer’s perspective in regards to build-quality and functionality.
Although it has many adjustable parts everywhere which makes it really easy to be fine-tuned and to adjust everything to your specific needs and preferences, I found the pedals relatively easy to setup (if you’re already used to normal double pedals).
The re-arranging of the drumset and its individual drums to be in-sync with the now centered set-up, however, takes a little more time. Also, getting used to it in your playing needs some time and practice, but it wasn’t too much of a deal for me after all.
What I also enjoy very much is the “new equality” of how I’m playing the bassdrum with this pedal: with a normal doube pedal it is more or less natural that your right foot has a stronger and louder sounding punch in comparison to the left (slave side) foot. What we drummers learn to do when playing doublebass on a single bassdrum, is to level out the sound and attack differences somehow. With the OffSet, the fact that both pedals are practically slave pedals, so to speak, makes for a different feel and leads to much more consistent, equal sounding left and right foot beats. You may argue that this is due to the fact, that your right-foot pedal no lacks the direct, immediate power transmission - and , yes, this is also true, I guess. However, I found it easy to get used to it in real life playing and rather embrace the benefit of having a more leveled-sounding double bassdrum sound.
All in all, I can highly recommend this product and it’s quality. It is surely not for everybody and I would always recommend to test and check it out if you have access to the product in a store. If you approach the concept with an open mind and if you are on the lookout for a new (more ergonomic) approach to your singe-but-doublebass-drumming this machine might be your perfect new friend :-)
hotchops1957Oct 09, 2018Verified Purchase
I got rid of my Iron Cobra, Gibraltar G Series, Demon Drive & DW pedals because of this! It is lightning fast, comfortable and ergonomic! The quality is there as well. It doesn't seem as substantial as the others as for its size it is pretty light. I just love this pedal! I have played Pearl pedals for over 40 years. I switched from Pearl to Tama and then Gibraltar G Series, then DW and lastly to Evolution Offset pedals! I've had them for months and they seem to get better the more I use them!
Verified Purchase

Sweetwater, Nick D'Virgilio reviews OffSet Double Kick Pedal, August 2019
Modern Drummer, December 2018 - PRODUCT CLOSE-UP
OffSet® – Eclipse Double Pedal
A symmetrical design for more ergonomic setups.

According to OffSet, the conventional double pedal design, with a secondary pedal extending off to the side of the primary pedal, fails to account for comfort and ergonomics. In response to that concern, OffSet has designed a bilateral double pedal that aims to put the drummer’s body in a safer and more efficient position.
Drummers who struggle to find a comfortable configuration for their kits will understand the issue that OffSet is tackling here. Adding a double pedal to a drumset can really throw things off—oftentimes you’re forced to alter your hi-hat, bass drum, and tom placement, potentially resulting in a setup that’s in a constant state of flux. OffSet’s bilateral pedal features a fully adjustable design that allows you to fit the pedals into your current configuration with minimal alteration. For review, we received a chain-drive Eclipse model double pedal, plus a direct-drive conversion kit. Let’s take a closer look.
Quality and Customization
The Eclipse features the same top-quality specs that you’d expect from a high-end pedal. All moving parts have sealed bearings, and it’s strong but lightweight. Despite having more moving parts than a standard double pedal, the Eclipse is fast and easy to set up due to its thoughtful design. I especially liked that the hoop clamp adjuster was easy to reach, since the footboard doesn’t block it. The bottom of both footboards and the pedestal are fitted with hook-and-loop fasteners and adjustable spikes, so they lock into place easily. During my time with the Eclipse pedal, the footboards stayed put on any rough surface or carpet. Converting the chain drive to direct drive was quick and easy, and it was nice to be able to adjust the feel of the pedals for different applications.
The value of the Eclipse pedal is in its customization. Every component is adjustable. The footboards are 12.5×3.5, which is the largest in the industry, and they respond accurately to either heel-up or heel-down playing. The drive wheel can be adjusted via a drum key (there are key holders on the outside pedestal of both pedals) from 1.5″ for speed playing to 3″ for power playing.
I tried all of the positions for the drive wheel and felt most comfortable with it at the midpoint, which left the beater at a moderate distance from the drumhead. If you’re a speed metal player, you’ll find the Eclipse comparable with other pedals marketed towards that genre. With the drive wheels set to the 1.5″ position, the pedals were extra responsive and snappy, which allowed for quicker playing. The long footboards also allowed me to move my foot lower on them when playing at fast tempos, and they were great for facilitating heel/toe techniques.
This pedal is most useful for players who want to achieve a more ergonomic, symmetrical setup. If you prefer to mount your rack toms directly on the bass drum, the Eclipse will allow you to move the bass drum over so that the toms can be centered over the snare. After experimenting with the Eclipse pedal for a couple weeks, I noticed a slight improvement in my posture and ease of playing. It wasn’t a huge difference for me, but other drummers may experience a more dramatic effect.
I found the OffSet Eclipse double pedal to be a refreshing example of drum-gear innovation. The company offers a thirty-day trial period for its products, so if you’re looking to try something different, head over to to find a dealer near you. List price for the Eclipse pedal is $389, the direct-drive conversion kit is $69.95, and a padded case is $99.95.
DRUMmagazine, October 2015 review
Drum Magazine, April 28, 2012

From the wilds of Pennsylvania, U.S.A., comes Charles Fisher with his maverick new invention, the Off-Set double-bass pedal. Unlike your standard double-pedal footwear, the Off-Set does not have a main and a secondary footboard. Instead, the Off-Set’s pedals are placed to the left and the right of the bass drum, thus allowing you to ergonomically configure your kit by planting your throne directly behind the kick. Granted, it looks a lot different from what you are used to playing, but I’ll give you the skinny right here at the start: It’s a pretty cool piece of gear made with some serious quality.
I unboxed and set up the Off-Set with gleeful assistance from the owner of my local drum-rental company. First, take our advice, and follow the included instructions. We didn’t, so set up became a little bit of a pain. The pedal might have worked straight out of the box, but we started tweaking it right away and got sort of … confused. Just contain yourself, and spend the few extra minutes getting it right.
After attaching the Off-Set’s center frame to the bass drum hoop, we discovered that neither the left nor the right beater can be placed dead center on the drumhead. A support piece on the center frame precludes either beater from sliding into the fully centered position. On the plus side, this still allow for both beaters to hit symmetrical spots on the head — very barely off-center — and produce symmetrical tones.
The pedal itself is fully adjustable for tension, throw, pedal height, and beater height. The very nice double-faced beaters (felt and plastic) come complete with adjustable counterweights. The pedal also boasts a double-chain drive on a round cam, and there is Velcro on the bottom of all three base plates. (I must confess that I loathe Velcro on base plates. Is it just a fashion trend? Am I alone in this?) One of the advantages of the Off-Set system is that it reduces the amount of “push-pressure” on the bass drum. Your leg doesn’t push the drum all around the floor, so as long as the pedal’s base plate is secure, the bass drum nicely stays put.
Once up and thumpin’, the Off-Set got really rave reviews from both me and Mr. Drum Rental. Between us, we’ve played quite a few pedals, and this is a good one. We think that the Off-Set’s overall quality workmanship contributes to the fine feel of the pedal because there is absolutely no mushiness in the action. Both drive shafts are beefy, well-made, stiff, and even covered at the joints with rubber booties, like an automotive axle. Points for that. The pedals stayed put, Velcro and all, and they felt like two single pedals — very responsive and really tight (in the good way). Furthermore, the Off-Set has springs at the center frame and at each pedal. This thing is faster than you (yes, even you, Mr. Fleet-of-Feet) and not likely to fall apart on a gig. My friend did opine, however, that setting up the pedal for the first time (as in new-and-out-of-the- box) on a gig could be a nightmare because it takes some adjusting to get it where you want it.
Please do set the pedal up with a drum buddy around because the Off-Set — besides being fun to play — is a catalyst for long, lively arguments about drum history and ergonomics: Do you think the old jazz guys set up low and close because they liked it? Or was it because they had no other choice? If the remote hi-hat had been invented first, would we all be playing cross-handed? Didn’t the invention of the boom cymbal stand allow you to put the cymbals closer to your center? Why do we continue to put toms on the bass drum when the bass drum is not the true center of our kit? How else can a drum set be more ergonomic? Will I be able to play better? These are just suggested topics for throwing the gauntlet. Don’t forget the Band-Aids.
We were very, very impressed by the Off-Set pedal. It’s bound to spark discussion, derision, and defense, but it’s a quality piece of gear that works great. It’s even priced well
Model: Off-Set Double-Bass Drum Pedal
Features: 12.5″ x 3.5″ footboards, fully adjustable double-drive chain, quad drive springs, antiskid spurs, adjustable beater holders, double-sided beaters
The Paradiddler on the Off-Set Double Bass Pedal
Drum, October 18, 2010
Johnny G, Top Dog (Don't mess wit me!)
Off-set pedal review
I have been playing on my new Offset-double pedal for over a month now and couldn't be happier with my choice. Delivered to my door under $400!!
There's the short story. Now for the real info...
I was first taken with the heft of the components as I unpacked the box. There is almost no plastic on this thing. All the posts are solid steel with double horizontial supports.
I had to follow the instructions really freakin' carefully while assembling the first pedal but then it all made sense and I flew through the second one. From box to kick was under 15 minutes.
I started off by trying to match the right foot's feel to my old Yamaha pedal (that I had just retired after 28 years of solid service). That took the better part of about an hour and then I did some more fine tuning for about a week after. Haven't touched it since.
The left foot was not so simple. This is my first time playing double, so I had no idea what my left foot might need for settings. I matched the two pedals at first, but that didn't feel right. I have tried alot of different settings (alot) and find that my left foot wants a looser setting than my right. (That will probably change as I get used to this thing being there at all. The hardest thing to get used to is the idea that I suck at double bass drumming. It's a bigger challenge than I thought to learn a new technique after 33 years behind a single pedal kit.)
As I fiddled with these pedals, I absolutely marveled at the level of adjustability. With four springs to play with, seperate beater angles, pedal heights, cam position (turned out to be the most dramatic change in response and the magic "Ah-ha" for my right foot!), distance from the beaters to the pedal, and sliding beater weights, I cannot imagine anyone not being able to find a way to adjust this pedal to their liking. The beaters have a plastic and felt side for different attacks, too.
I checked out DW, Pearl, Mapex, Dixon, Axis, Tama, Sleishman, and Gibralter pedals. Some of them had as many adjustment options, but none of them had more, and most of them carried a considerably larger price tag. The Pearl double pedal goes for nearly twice as much as the Off-set! I played the Demon drive double pedal for about a half hour in the local shop and the Offset is just as smooth and solid feeling. It also happens to have really long and wide pedals with a sweet spot the size of Cleveland. (Yeah, Cleveland!)
The other factor that pushed me to the Off-set was the ergonomic changes it brought to my kit. As you can see in the pics, this thing puts you, your kick, and your snare in a nice straight line with hats and ride snuggled right up close and floor toms more accesible due to less twisting required to reach them. I have never felt this comfortable. If you go to the Off-set site, there is a great diagram that illustrates this even better. There are also single pedal versions of the pedal for either foot which has potential for changing the ergonomics of a single pedal kit or adding aux percussion, too.
The only way I could see this aspect as a down-side is if you put your toms on a stand next to your kick. You would need to either mount them on seperate stands on either side of the kick or get a rack to go over the kick.
My double pedal came with a HH stand as part of a promotional giveaway. I want to mention that this thing is a beast as well. It is the heaviest, most solid standing HH stand I have ever owned, which is saying something because, unlike my choice in kick pedals, I never could find a HH stand that I really liked, and could readily afford!! I think I have been through 6 or 7 of them before this one. It has a great tension adjustment that can make really fine changes to your HH response. The legs rotate to accomodate a double pedal quite nicely. If Mr Fisher is still offering them on the Offset site, I fully endorse them as well. They usually go for about $170, I think.
Speaking of Mr Fisher, he is the inventor and owner of the company and the man who answered the phone when I called with my insipid questions. He was patient and kind to me and went out of his way to make sure that I was well informed about this product since I could not try one before pulling the trigger. The product is fully guaranteed, but I will not be returning mine. This may be the last double pedal and HH stand that I buy ever. Unless I get another kit...I hope this was helpful to someone out there. I hate to type!
There's the short story. Now for the real info...
I was first taken with the heft of the components as I unpacked the box. There is almost no plastic on this thing. All the posts are solid steel with double horizontial supports.
I had to follow the instructions really freakin' carefully while assembling the first pedal but then it all made sense and I flew through the second one. From box to kick was under 15 minutes.
I started off by trying to match the right foot's feel to my old Yamaha pedal (that I had just retired after 28 years of solid service). That took the better part of about an hour and then I did some more fine tuning for about a week after. Haven't touched it since.
The left foot was not so simple. This is my first time playing double, so I had no idea what my left foot might need for settings. I matched the two pedals at first, but that didn't feel right. I have tried alot of different settings (alot) and find that my left foot wants a looser setting than my right. (That will probably change as I get used to this thing being there at all. The hardest thing to get used to is the idea that I suck at double bass drumming. It's a bigger challenge than I thought to learn a new technique after 33 years behind a single pedal kit.)
As I fiddled with these pedals, I absolutely marveled at the level of adjustability. With four springs to play with, seperate beater angles, pedal heights, cam position (turned out to be the most dramatic change in response and the magic "Ah-ha" for my right foot!), distance from the beaters to the pedal, and sliding beater weights, I cannot imagine anyone not being able to find a way to adjust this pedal to their liking. The beaters have a plastic and felt side for different attacks, too.
I checked out DW, Pearl, Mapex, Dixon, Axis, Tama, Sleishman, and Gibralter pedals. Some of them had as many adjustment options, but none of them had more, and most of them carried a considerably larger price tag. The Pearl double pedal goes for nearly twice as much as the Off-set! I played the Demon drive double pedal for about a half hour in the local shop and the Offset is just as smooth and solid feeling. It also happens to have really long and wide pedals with a sweet spot the size of Cleveland. (Yeah, Cleveland!)
The other factor that pushed me to the Off-set was the ergonomic changes it brought to my kit. As you can see in the pics, this thing puts you, your kick, and your snare in a nice straight line with hats and ride snuggled right up close and floor toms more accesible due to less twisting required to reach them. I have never felt this comfortable. If you go to the Off-set site, there is a great diagram that illustrates this even better. There are also single pedal versions of the pedal for either foot which has potential for changing the ergonomics of a single pedal kit or adding aux percussion, too.
The only way I could see this aspect as a down-side is if you put your toms on a stand next to your kick. You would need to either mount them on seperate stands on either side of the kick or get a rack to go over the kick.
My double pedal came with a HH stand as part of a promotional giveaway. I want to mention that this thing is a beast as well. It is the heaviest, most solid standing HH stand I have ever owned, which is saying something because, unlike my choice in kick pedals, I never could find a HH stand that I really liked, and could readily afford!! I think I have been through 6 or 7 of them before this one. It has a great tension adjustment that can make really fine changes to your HH response. The legs rotate to accomodate a double pedal quite nicely. If Mr Fisher is still offering them on the Offset site, I fully endorse them as well. They usually go for about $170, I think.
Speaking of Mr Fisher, he is the inventor and owner of the company and the man who answered the phone when I called with my insipid questions. He was patient and kind to me and went out of his way to make sure that I was well informed about this product since I could not try one before pulling the trigger. The product is fully guaranteed, but I will not be returning mine. This may be the last double pedal and HH stand that I buy ever. Unless I get another kit...I hope this was helpful to someone out there. I hate to type!
Rockula reviews the OffSet Middle Pedal
Modern Drummer, November 2005 review